Sunday, April 8, 2012

tumblights 4/8

Happy Passover and Happy Easter! I hope all of you are with people you love this weekend. I have a rare Sunday off today so am cooking away this morning for two brunches this afternoon. I'm hoping my three-step brownies get done in time!

Collaborative Installation- The Obliteration Room (via Design Milk)

Packaging design with strong values messaging (via MocoLoco)

Photography: wisteria blooms Kawachi Fuji Gardens in Kitakyushu, Japan. (via Honestly WTF)

Love the bits of sparkle to random streetscapes (via  Inhabitat)

Installation art in progress, drawn with just the artist's hands (via Inhabitat)

1 comment:

  1. Three-step brownies? Sounds yummy! What do they entail?
