Saturday, November 12, 2011

weekend review: weekday weekend

[Park at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in downtown San Francisco]

 I mentioned yesterday that I had a weekday long weekend with my friend/college roommate Laura aka Suits and Skirts. Laura and I always have excellent adventures, whether in New York, Richmond or now in the Bay Area. She was here for a business conference and afterward we met in downtown San Francisco. Spurned in our attempt to dine at 3pm at B Bar, we took pictures of the gorgeous Yerba Buena Center for the Arts and went back to Berkeley for Phil's Sliders followed by a late (gourmet) pizza dinner. 

The next day we headed to Napa, enjoying several vineyards and having a particularly wonderful time with the Resident Southern Belle at the Vintner's Collective. Our last day included Berkeley classics Philz Coffee, shopping at Jermey's Department Store, and great sushi for cheap at Manpuku before venturing back to the city for a night of fine wine and cheese at Mission Cheese, burritos, and The Mint Karaoke.

[Photographer Laura. Check her blog for more pictures]

[Making bird friends]

[Pizzaiolo in Oakland]


[At the first winery. We were asked twice this weekend if we are sisters, do you see the resemblance?]

[Empty wine crates]

[Bubbles on the patio. Ideal.]

[More bird friends]

[Toughest decision all week. Laura went with the platypus for her newborn niece.]

[On Valencia St]

[Books on books]


  1. Total twins! What an awesome weekend! Love the pics!

  2. miss you so much already! had a wonderfully amazing time, thank you so much for hosting!

    cannot wait to come back in the spring, wink!

    (procrastination: will be playing with my pictures tomorrow in the office most likely)

  3. I AM SO JEALOUS. Glad you guys got to play for a bit! You do totally pass for sisters in that pic. It's the similar hair I think. I recognize the Artesa tasting room - the views definitely beat the wine, but I thought it was a fun place to visit nonetheless.
