Tuesday, October 18, 2011

weekend review: i'm smitten with the trolley dances

[Spotted at a community garden]

Weekends are special. They are for grand adventures or lazy days where nothing is accomplished but that's okay. My friend Caroline and I agreed this has held true even while we're both unemployed. I'll soon be starting work part-time and will work weekends some, so I'll see if that changes once weekends require work.

But for now, I'll keep my weekends special. Saturday was a lazy day, though a few small items were accomplished around the house. Sunday was an adventure in the city with Caroline. She took me a part in Hayes Valley where we lunched on ice cream and I took her on the Trolley Dances. Trolley Dances is an annual event with a series of dances at locations in San Francisco, linked by walking and taking Muni. I loved the variety of types of dance, and traveling between locations allowed the city to be part of the action- particularly at the outdoor events.

[Amazing chocolate. The raspberries I supplied from the farmers market.]

[This duo presented three dances, each at a different public location, including the Muni Stop and store window.]

[My favorite, outside the Public Library. A story of public transit.]

1 comment:

  1. I've been dying to visit that ice cream place in Hayes Valley. It looks terrific.
