Wednesday, September 28, 2011

design sponge book event

As I mentioned yesterday, last night I attended the Design Sponge book event. I've been a fan of Design Sponge for a while, and since I share a homestate of Virginia with Grace Bonney, I was excited to meet her. We discussed how much we both love Richmond and that if we were to move back to Virginia it would be to Richmond. The event itself was gorgeous, as is to be expected of a Design Sponge event hosted by Anthropologie. My friend Caroline, who had not previously read the blog, joined me.
[With Grace!]
[Rice-a-Roni golden Gate Bridge]

There was prosecco and cookies, an edible photo backdrop, live music of the vaguely bluegrass-y variety, and lots of adorable displays. To show off their wares, Anthropologie used real glass wineglasses and I think that encouraged people to feel like they were in a cafe and linger. Caroline and I were eager to catch up so I didn't meet many other fans there, but when getting off BART in Berkeley, another reader recognized me from the event and stopped to say hi. (So good to meet you!)


[Enjoying the edible cookie wall with Caroline]


  1. you look adorable, as always.

    obviously, i am completely jealous!

    miss you wildly, cannot wait to come out soon and see you.


  2. I had no idea Grace was from VA! Okay, I can't love Design Sponge any more!

    This looks like so much fun... love the decor and the cookie backdrop!

  3. I just found out from the latest issue of the WM alumni magazine that Grace is an '03 alum. Finally, someone to be proud of (looking at you, Eric Cantor...)
