Sunday, June 19, 2011

weekend review: bffs

These photos were taken when my camera was broken. The lens worked fine but the back screen where I could see what the pictures actually looked like was out of service. They are, however, the only photographs I have my lovely friend Laura, of Skirts and Suits.

Laura and I were assigned to be roommates by some higher power at Cornell University. Four years and four dorms/apartments later, she moved to New Jersey just outside of The City and I moved back South. In high school in Baltimore, Laura had a good friend Diana. Diana, Laura and I had some good times in Bmore during college years then happenstance (aka love) brought Diana to Richmond. With our powers combined, we finally convinced Laura to visit.

We lunched near Diana's work at Lehja. The decor was an interesting mashup of modern furniture and Indian patterns, some of which were clearly homemade. While I can't verify authenticity, I ordered my favorite saag aloo and it was delicious.

The next day we went to a food and wine festival at Innsbrook. We enjoyed several samples of grocery store wine while pursuing the various wares for sale. Neither the beer or wine were impressive, and while most of the restaurants were either chains or standard street fair, I enjoyed the always delicious Boka Takos and the newcomer Goatocado.

We rounded out the evening with drinking margaritas on Diana's (former) Fan porch, followed by Thai food. Check out Diana's shoes, she painted them herself. More on that coming soon.

1 comment:

  1. you published this while i was in prague, and i totes missed it until now!

    LOVE you, i had the best time that weekend. i cannot wait to head out west and see you in your new town!

