Sunday, April 10, 2011

craft night

[erin's pièce de résistance]

Last night was the Finale for Fashion Week, but I had a previous commitment to a group of lovely ladies that I couldn't bring myself to skip. The lovely RVAFashionista will have info up on and you should check out the rest of the coverage we have there. But instead of black tie and high fashion, I spent the night with a tumbler of wine playing in the dirt.

I've been luckily to have a good group of friends throughout my life. There are several lovely ladies and men that I have kept (sadly, loosely) in touch with from high school, many dear friends from college and a great support group in DC. Moving to Richmond, it took me a while to establish good friends but after about a year and a half, I have met some wonderful people that I know will be important to me always. Last night just helped cement that.

The goal was a craft night where we would make terrariums, the ever so-hip trend and the only plant that many of us could keep alive. Can you add glitter to terraiums? Not sure, but we did.

[inappropriate crafting]

I had plans to play hostess and do a day of baking and cooking, but really all you need for a girls' night is a few (um, six) bottles of wine and a nearby pizza place. We ordered from Belmont Pizza and then walked over to pick up our pizza. They were quite amused at watching 6 twenty/thirty-something women tearing into slices inside their pick up area, particularly when we rebuffed their offer of plates. We rounded out the night with a hours long marathon of Dance Central.

[My terrarium's home, over the kitchen sink]

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