Wednesday, February 9, 2011

my heart goes boom boom

Let's get some things out of the way. I love burgers. I am a failed vegetarian. Very very failed. But I also work for a climate change non-profit and take sustainability pretty seriously. So any burger joint that sources all its ingredients locally is one I have to try. I've been watching the development of Boom Boom Burgers online and was excited on Monday to see an announcement about its soft opening for Tuesday. A coworker and I walked from our office down to 1703 E. Franklin St. to try it out.

[View from outside]

Walking in I immediately spotted a friend which added even more fun to the rare lunch out. As soon as I walked up to the counter, Boom Boom Burger owner Josh Eftekhari recognized me from my Twitter picture. I think it was the first time it ever happened to me and I was impressed. Boom Boom has a great Twitter presence, promoting information about their suppliers as well as discussing Richmond events.

[Front counter]

Boom Boom's interior reflects their brand with strong explosive graphic details and bright, fun colors permeating the space. The menu is written on a chalkboard so specials can be easily changed and seasonality is key. Currently the basic burger comes ketchup and pickles since tomatoes aren't in season. There is also a mushroom burger, a bacon bbq burger, and one with grilled ones and special sauce. I was bummed they were out of bacon when I arrived, because (we've been over this) I love bacon.

[The Ms. Boom]

So on to the most important part: the burger. Let's just say I'm glad this place isn't closer to my office because I would having burgers twice a week. Great meat, grass-fed from Polyface Farms cooked medium-rare. The bun was an unexpected treat. Buns are crucial to a good burger but I never sit down expecting to be raving about the shell of the burger. Could have used extra pickles, but it's the type of place I'm sure is amenable to that type of request. One note, all business transactions on done via iPad. Bring a debit/credit card as they don't bother with cash.

[Saving the world. One burger at a time.]

Posted inside the bathroom. I love the slight tongue-in-cheek nature of the sign. Certainly Boom Boom has a deep commitment to sustainability and local sourcing, but you can tell they don't take themselves too seriously. I don't go out in the Bottom, but if I did I'd want to end the night here having an impromptu dance party with the staff while eating delicious, delicious local burgers.


  1. Ooh, thanks for letting me know about this! I had no idea. Must try.

  2. hey! that's my back in this picture! good job capturing my good side. :)
