Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I had not seen my college roommate (of all four years!) since graduating a year and a half ago, so last weekend I went up to New York/New Jersey to visit. The week before I discovered a new blog to love, The Man Repeller. This was fortunitous timing for many reasons. First, because roommate L and I often were items that would have graced the pages of The Man Repeller. They had names like Boxer Dress and Sailor Suit. Secondly, because we had already stated that no men should attempt to talk to us during our weekend of girl time. So we swore to each other to do our manrepelling best and I took the following photos to document the weekend. Many of my piece repeat as I took the smallest luggage possible for the long weekend.

[Chinatown bus in RVA]

[With our very adorable non-manrepelling friend at brunch. Romper=manrepeller]

[In Central Park. Fur coats=manrepeller.]

See more after the jump.

[Dinner outfit]

[L's dinner outfit]

[Pretending that's my house (in my new gloves!)]

[Wine and vintage hat]

[Wine and sequins]

Clearly we did not go as all out as we should because not only were we unable to go dancing or drink Patron (L) and Jack (me) on ice without having conversations with the opposite sex, we weren't even able to go sightseeing in Central Park. But all advances were spurned during the Man Repelling Weekend.


  1. guess we should have gone with more "vaginal" inspired styles.... next time!

    best weekend of my fall for sure, cannot wait to make it down to richmond! love you so much, and you are always welcome up north anytime. XOXOXO.

  2. ah is that the fur coat you got while i was up? need to treck back to nj soon!

  3. Great link to the man repeller blog. Haha. I love all the sequins and vintage stuff (but you knew that). Can't wait to see what you're going to wear to my party Saturday!

  4. Love it! You guys are so cute! The tiger dress is killer!

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