Monday, March 8, 2010

get your vitamins

My local grocery store doesn't always have the best vegetables so when I went in Sunday to find easy parking (rare) and great looking broccoli rabe (say what?!) I was so excited to get it. I knew I wanted it sauteed with red pepper flakes. I'd never cooked broccoli rabe before so I did a quick google search and found exactly what I was looking for!

I didn't want the broccoli rabe cut so short, so I just trimmed the edges and left it. It turned out just as I hoped. The rabe was still crisp and fresh tasting while still coated in delicious delicious oil.

I paired it with roasted potatoes (red and yellow potatoes cubed, tossed with olive oil and salt and roasted for 40 minutes in a 400 degree oven) and a nice red. Perfect easy meal for a day when winter is becoming spring.

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